‘Dwell Time is Sell Time’!

Regardless of whether they are infrequent or frequent flyers, air travellers are highly responsive to creative and strategically placed airport advertising. So, our theory at the two major regional airports that Tayco services (Bundaberg and Emerald) is … it’s sell time!

Research confirms that active ‘dwell time’ increases advertising exposure with 74% of travellers arriving at an airport over an hour before boarding. Furthermore, 79% of those consumers bought something or engaged with a brand, service, product or event as a result of an advertisement they saw at an airport.

Consider well thought-out airport advertising as part of your marketing mix.

Bundaberg airport

  • Marketplace strengths – Tourism , agriculture, farming, manufacturing, industry, commerce, retail, health & education.

  • 170,000 passengers a year use the airport with significant year on year growth (April 2017).

  • Approximately 35 flights a week via Qantaslink & Alliance(Virgin Australia).

  • Arrivals, Departures, Carousel, Baggage Trolley’s, Security Trays and Airport Drive billboard signage opportunities are available.

Emerald Airport

  • Marketplace strengths – Mining, agriculture, cattle, broad-arce cropping, manufacturing, industry, education & tourism.
  • 200,000plus passengers a year use the airport with significant year on year growth (April 2017).
  • Approximately 35 flights a week via Qantaslink, Alliance(Virgin Australia) & private charters.
  • Arrivals, Departures, Carousel, Security Trays and Airport Drive billboard signage opportunities are available

CLient Results

tayco is SERvice focused

We Connect Brands with People

Grow your profits through better recall and a more effective multiplier effect with Billboards & Airport ads

Get your message out there with Billboards – BIG, BOLD and BETTER RETURN

It’s your 24/7 Newsfeed… It’s Billboard Ads

Bang for Buck with Billboards! Tell more - sell more